Camp Jotoni- Grow with Us!
Camp Jotoni provides summer recreational services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Our programs consist of a six-week day camp program, a six-week residential program, and three weeks of extended summer day camp for school age children.

Camp Jotoni - Home Away From Home
Camper to Staff Ratio
Camp Jotoni is licensed to accept 100 participants daily. A maximum ratio of four campers to one staff is not exceeded during any camp sessions. During "day camp only" sessions the ratio often intensifies to two campers with one staff personnel.
Healthcare Nurses Onsite
Our infirmary is staffed by an RN or an LPN who follows established treatment procedures authorized by a physician. Only a trained professional administers medication.
Camp Specialists
Art Specialist - Drama Specialist - Games Specialist - Kitchen Staff - Lifeguards - Maintenance Department - Music Specialist - Nature Specialist - Physical Education Specialist - Registered Nurses
Administration & Staff
Camp Jotoni's administration consists of knowledgeable special education teachers. Each member of the administrative team has a minimum of 10 years experience at Camp Jotoni.
Arts & Crafts - Music - Games - Swimming - Physical Education - Nature Walks
Campers have the opportunity to practice motor skills and develop an appreciation for their talents in each of these areas. Each program is adaptable to the needs and challenges of each camper. Social skills are an underlying theme to our program and are reinforced daily through various activities.
Rutgers Master Gardener Volunteers
Our annual volunteers from the Rutgers Master Gardener program help create wonderful flora space for our campers as well as the upkeep of a butterfly garden and herb garden. Camp Jotoni is so proud of our volunteer works and our campers look forward to seeing them on the campgrounds every season!
Facilities & Grounds

Visit Camp Jotoni's WebsiteFor more information about Camp Jotoni registration deadlines, camp weeks for 2023 and direct access to Camp Staff.